Membership Information

Membership Fees for the 2023/24 financial year are as follows;

Annual Membership Fee    $100

A joining fee of $300.00 applies for new members along with a $50 fee for the supply of the a club burgee for use on our moorings. Please note that the burgee remains the property of the club and must be returned if your membership ceases.

The Club is currently open to new membership, although the committee has agreed to review member numbers and demand for moorings over the upcoming holidays.

If you want to become a new member, or for existing members wanting to nominate someone for membership, please note our process:

1.   Please download and complete a nomination form. The nomination forms are available below in both word and pdf formats.

2.   A proposer and a seconder are required. The proposer and seconder must come from two separate KBC memberships (our memberships commonly include the names of two people – eg. From the same household, or sharing a boat ownership).

3.  Nominations are welcome electronically – an email with an attached, completed nomination form is quite acceptable.

4.   Please send the completed form to : 

or    Kingborough Boating Club, PO Box 226, Kingston TAS 7051

5.  Nominations by email or post will then go to the Committee and upon approval the new member will be contacted by the Treasurer to confirm the application and arrange payment of the required fees.